Minggu, 09 Desember 2007

Jesus Christ Ministries

Jesus Christ Ministry (Pelayanan Yesus Kristus) adalah sebuah pelayanan yang berfokus pada tubuh Kristus. Kerinduan terbesar kami adalah melihat setiap orang percaya di pulihkan total, menjadi murid Kristus yang kuat, dilatih untuk melayani, dilengkapi untuk mengenali karunia rohaninya, digali potensi dirinya dan diutus menjadi berkat bagi bangsa-bangsa. Sejak tahun 1993, JCM berdiri dan telah menjadi berkat bagi
gereja dan tubuh Kristus di Indonesia dan bangsa lain. Indonesia sebagai negara Islam
terbesar di dunia, 17,000 pulau, menjadi negara kepulauan terbesar dengan penduduk
220 juta, Indonesia menjadi negara keempat terbesar. Melayani bangsa yang mengalami
kirisi multidimensi sejak tahun 1997 tidaklah mudah, perlu hikmat dan karakter, karunia Roh Kudus dan skill untuk bisa tetap eksis dan relevan untuk melayani gereja dan generasi bangsa ini. JCM telah merintis pelayanan market place yang bersifat holistik untuk menjawab kebutuhan bangsa.

Jesus Christ Ministries focuses on ministering to the Body of Christ. Our greatest passion is to see all people to be totally restored and become Christ’s militant disciples. They will be trained to serve and equipped with the ability to recognize their spiritual gifts. They will be guided in actualize their potentials and set to be blessings nations. Since in establishment in 1991, JCM has became blessings to churches and the Body of Christ in Indonesia and other nations. Indonesia, as the biggest Muslim country in the world, is the fourth largest population with its 17,000 islands and approximately 220 million citizens. It is not easy to minister to a country which has been hit by multidimensional crisis since 1997. Wisdom, a strong character, Holy Spirit’s gift and skills are required so that His people are able to remain exist and relevant to serve the church and this nation’s generation. JCM has pioneered holistically marketplace-driven ministry to meet the needs of this nation.

Sebuah pelatihan misi yang singkat, praktis dan berwawasan mada depan, disinilah penuai yang diurapi dipersiapkan, dilatih dan diutus untuk menjangkau suku-suku dan bangsa-bangsa, yang bukan hanya dilengkapi secara roh dan karakter, tapi juga ketrampilan praktis untuk melayani jiwa-jiwa.

This division is a short, practical and future oriented mission training center. Our staff will prepare the Christ’s disciples in this center to be anointed harvesters and equip them with essential life skills that enable them to fulfill their own needs in any mission fields where they are sent to. Not only will they be self-financing but they will also bless people in the mission field.

Tempat retret semua gereja dengan fasilitas lengkap; kamar, ruang makan, aula, alat music dan pembicara-pembicara yang diurapi Tuhan dalam bidangnya, serta pelatihan out-bond dengan permainan dan tracking yang menarik bagi anak muda.

This retreat site is designed to provide accommodation for all Christian. This site has complete facilities such as bedrooms, dining rooms, meeting halls and musical instruments. We also provided Holy Spirit-anointed speakers specialized in various issues and out-bond trainings with exciting games and tracking for youths.

Bukit doa El Resipha, menyediakan gua doa dan kamar khusus tanpa dipunggut biaya bagi hamba-hamba Tuhan yang perlu retret pribadi dengan Tuhan dalam doa dan puasa, juga bagi seluruh jemaat yang mau berdoa syafaat.

Prayer centre El Resipha provides cares for praying and special, free-of-charge bedrooms for the Lord’s servants who need to do private retreats with God in prayer and fasting or for other member of church who want to do intercessory prayer.

Mengembangkan pertanian dan perkembangan sayur dan buah-buahan tanpa pupuk pestisida (organik) untuk membangun masyarakat yang sehat dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi.

The industry develops agriculture and horticulture with organic fertilizer. It is hoped that the society becomes healthier after consuming naturally cultured vegetables and fruits.

Menolong masyarakat dengan memberikan pinjaman kredit usaha kecil, untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dan taraf hidup masyarakat di desa, menuju transformasi sosial masyarakat.

Functions as a bank where people in our area can save money and that provides soft loans to them. It provides the people with loans for establishing small enterprises. JCF will also assist people to increase their incomes and quality of life that lead to social transformation of the society.

Selama 8 tahun kami telah memberi beasiswa kepada anak-anak dari SD sampai SMU. Tahun ajaran 2005, kami memulai SMU Alternatif ‘Generasi Baru’. Dengan sistem dan metode belajar yang seperti home-schooling dimana siswa tidak hanya belajar apa yang buku diktat tulis, tapi mereka belajar life-skill yang kelak akan membantu mereka jika mereka harus menghadapi dunia luar.

In the past eight years we have granted scholarship to poor children in the village ranging from primary schools to senior high school students. We also start New Generation Alternative High School with vision building future leader, its computer and internet base-education, all students live together in the dorm. Student now, leader tomorrow.

APMN adalah sebuah jaringan pelayanan yang bertujuan melatih orang kudus untuk melakukan tugas pelayanan sesuai karunia, panggilan dan profesi. Kami melengkapi orang percaya lewat sekolah lima jawatan, kenabian, kerasulan, youth ministry, misi dll.

APMN is committed in equipping the saints, to do the work of ministry according to their gifts, calling and professions. We equip them through our apostolic and prophetic school mission sending and network to reach the un-reach people.

Melengkapi gereja lewat VCD, kaset, MP3, buku-buku rohani yang akan membangun dan melengkapi setiap orang percaya untuk berfungsi dalam pelayanan.

Equipping the saints with strong, teaching material to mature the Body of Christ through VCDs, cassettes, MP3s, Christian books, all of which are necessary for believers to function effectively on their ministries.

Mengembangkan dan membuat makanan kering jenang, dodol, keripik dan waluh dan bahan baku lainnya didesa dengan tujuan meningkatkan penghasilan masyarakat desa di sekitar Kopeng, Kec. Getasan.

The home-industry producers a variety of Indonesian traditional foods, e.g., snacks, jenang (dark-brownish sweet food mainly made of glutinous rice), crispy pumpkin chips and other kinds of chips. This industry aims to increase the incomes of people in Getasan village and its vicinity.

For further questions or suggestion:
ministriesjesuschrist@gmail.com /penuai2000@yahoo.com

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